Friday, July 30

Micah House: why I am now excited about college

so in my last post about college, I stated a whole bunch of practical reasons why SLU would be the best school for me. it is good for the school that I want to attend to be the practical choice, but I don't think that just because it would be easiest for me to go to SLU (because of distance from home and cost) is a good enough reason to go there. But with having settled for the moment on SLU, I decided to do more research into what special programs are offered, and I discovered that SLU was not only practical, it was the school for me. This research I speak of is of the program called Micah House. Its basis is to connect all the areas of a student's life and direct it towards community service. Totally awesome. If you remember back to my post about majors and not feeling satisfied with the idea of a theology major, it was because I wanted what I would study to have a very practical application. I wanted it to be very clear to me how the ideas I would be learning could be immediately applied to affecting the community for the better. This is definitely what I was searching for. It is not a major; it may go along with my major of theology or education (or whatever is needed to be a theology teacher). The members of the program live together on campus, they take some of their classes together, and they serve together (30 hours per semester). It's all of the good parts of a fraternity with none of the bad. Not only will I still be able to go ahead with the theology major while participating in this program, but I will also still be able to work towards the honors degree. And while Micah House is a tight-knit group, they still encourage you to be active in any other areas of campus life that you are interested in (so it's not like it will dominate my college life). This program has single-handedly sold me on going to SLU. I've already started to fill out the application. Other school don't hardly appeal to me any more. And I don't anticipate my enthusiasm fading. I realize that there is a whole lot of time left before any final decisions have to be made (a lot of time to change my mind), but, honestly, this is what I have been looking for. And now I've found it.

"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

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