Sunday, May 11

Ran links to a story about a town in Ohio razing abandoned buildings AND tearing up the roads around them.

If only St. Louis could be so cool. It's really rather frustrating because where I live now (north city, near downtown) has already had blocks and blocks of buildings razed, but it's just in preparation for new ticky tacky development, some of which has already been built.

My apartment is just a few blocks away from where Pruitt-Igoe (housing projects built in the 50s and demolished only 18 years later) once stood. They haven't taken out the roads, but they have put a fence around it and simply refrained from mowing it, and after just 35 years it has grown into an amazing beautiful forest of weeds. I'll take and post pictures around the neighborhood soon.

I just hope this depression depresses any more injections of suburbia into my neighborhood so that saplings and seedballs have a chance to take hold.

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