Friday, May 4

I'm lonely, sad, and anxious enough of the time that I'm looking for a change. I'm in the process of looking for an open bed (or -- even better -- an open spot in a bed) in some communal living situation. I love my family and am very grateful to them for everything they've done for me, but I need to get away from the suck of the tv. My original impetus for thinking in this direction was realizing how much I didn't want to spend this summer living in a refrigerator (A/C).

I'll let you know how my quest turns out.


  1. Very interesting blog.

  2. starting june 1 we have an apartment. come visit chicago whenever you want.


  3. So, you are too lazy to continue unschooling your brother, too lazy to follow through on gardening, too lazy period! What a waste. You have the ability to move out of the a/c and you are the one who can move away from the television set. Any old excuse works for you as long as you do not have to be accountable.

  4. kevin-
    thanks much for your offer of hospitality. i hope to take you up on it at some point.

    anonymous insults piss me off. that's all i'm going to say.

  5. Hi Tom,

    The pull of civilization will always be there - I know, it pulls me back constantly.

    I get those feelings - sad, lonely, anxious etc... I guess it's the condition of civilization - the question is, how do we get rid of it? Where can we run too to make it stop? I keep telling myself that one day I'll get there and stop feeling like this, but I never seem to get there. In fact, I don't even have a clue how to get there - this is all I know.

    All the best,


  6. Any interest in visiting DR again, Tom?

  7. peter-
    i know i'm by no means alone in feeling like this. thanks for voicing that. i don't expect to escape civilization by moving out of my parents' house and into a community, but it is a small step in the right direction. Ideally, I'd stay with my family, since that is the strongest foundation for a tribe that exists still in our society, but I just can't endure being numbed by the tv anymore. I'm hoping that just a few months away from it will rejuvenate me. I don't know.
    Right now my only lead has been a possibility of subletting for a month at CAMP ( ), but I am even more interested in getting more involved in a community urban farm called New Roots ( ). I know it won't be a tribal situation (I was disillusioned about that ever happening so easily when I visited Dancing Rabbit last year), but even just being around like-minded people more frequently would be a big help.

    of course! I'll be visiting for a week with my brother and mom. the only question is when. our first preference was the visitor period that begins at the end of may (basically the same one we were at together last year) but that didn't end up to work out for DR, so we're still awaiting to hear when we'll be coming. but yes, I'm going to see you sometime this summer!

  8. That's great... It should be awesome for your family, too! Looking forward to it...

    - Brian

  9. FOR THE RECORD, Tom... I wasn't anonymous this time ;) ... what happened to the authentication requirement?

    Uncle Dan

  10. hey uncle dan,

    i knew anonymous wasn't you. you've always signed your comments with something or other.

    i thought i mentioned it in some post when i re-allowed anonymous comments. im not sure how long ago that happened at this point. and i can't really remember my reasoning now, either...

  11. If you fancy a trip the England (for some ungodly reason), we'd have space for you.

    I've been feeling like shit lately too, and it's really escalating. I've felt better (about my writings) since I started writing in my zines. I get back from Canada on monday, and then I'm gonna work for a bit, then I think I want to do the good old bike and tent tour. See how far I get.

    Take care

  12. ... I just can't endure being numbed by the tv anymore.

    Amen brother - it's the one addiction I just can't break.

    I know it won't be a tribal situation (I was disillusioned about that ever happening so easily when I visited Dancing Rabbit last year), but even just being around like-minded people more frequently would be a big help.

    Was that the group featured in 30 Days? Have you written about that experience at all?

  13. dan-
    thanks for your kind offer! i can't imagine spending the money on a plane ticket right now, but i do hope to meet you someday.

    your bike trip plans are right in sync with my own. actually, just last night, i made panniers out of kitty litter buckets (i heard of the idea from my friend sara, but the general blueprint can be found here: ). i think i want to bike to chicago, to visit the first friend who offered a spot to stay (as seen above), and while i'm driving with my family to dancing rabbit, i'm thinking that in the fall, i'll bike up there to visit again. very exciting.


    it must be at least once a day that i snap myself out of a trance, staring at the tv, and then fantasize about smashing in the screen with a big mallet. someday..., someday...

    and, yes, dancing rabbit was the ecovillage featured in an episode of 30 days (watching that episode has become a part of visiting the ecovillage...) i did write about my experience there, somewhat in brief, soon after i got back. you can find that here:
    if you're interested.

  14. Yeah. I get that. Totally.

    I'm part of a group of people who are getting WAYY more serious about actually organizing a group living situation. Seriously.

    But in the meantime, There's a spot in Colorado for you and I DON'T have A/C. :)
