Friday, February 6


so ive had to start thinking about college. I've got 7 in mind right now. They are Washington University, Boston College, Fordham, St. Louis University, Loyola Chicago, Franciscan University, and Truman. I've kinda covered all the bases. I've got one I know that I can absolutely get into and is wonderfully affordable (costs less than high school), Truman. I am obviously very biased towards Jesuit colleges. I admittedly am pretty much only interested in Franciscan because so many of my friends are planning to go there. I've got some close to home, some far. And I've got my two highly competitive schools to try for. I actually have a chance of getting into BC, but I doubt my chances with Wash U.(two periods or one?) (or I could just say that the sentence isn't over yet and end it now). I also am taking into consideration that my 1818 credit is only good in the midwest (i think-i dont know about Fordham or Steubie, but BC definitely doesn't, neither does Wash U). But I will have AP, too, and thats good almost everywhere, so...a more important factor is whether or not to be close to home. which also relates to the cost-both tuition and travel expenses. I'm hoping to not have to pay anything for college through scholarships though (not just the big ones, the small ones add up!) On the one hand, I'm really close to my family, and I want to be around my grandparents as much as possible, but on the other hand, the idea of being in a completely new big city is very exciting. comfort, familiarity, and security vs. adventure, opportunity, and, well, fear. It would be rather unsettling to not be able to go back home within 20 minutes or even a couple hours, to have such a big barrier between me and my family, the kind that has only happened before for very brief periods of time. and this would be months at a time without being able to hug. but of course, such circumstances would probably only force me to spread my wings a little farther a little faster than I would otherwise. it could possibly help me to grow, to expand my horizons more than in a city that I already know and surrounded by people that I'm already comfortable with. I guess thats all I have to say for now, but I'll still be thinking about this. I'll write more when my thinking progresses. Advice is always welcome.

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