Wednesday, June 2

Active: attempting to change what is wrong in the world.

Hi. So I kinda took a small break from writing in my blog. I apologize to all of my faithful readers. But I'm back now. Cuz it's summer. And I'm really quite happy. Because of all of the free time. So now I'm blogging again. And by now I mean 1:30 am. Cuz who wants to blog during the day? I mean, hello, you could be sleeping then. So I'll get on with my blog. My topic of discussion for today is activism. Because I would like to be active. Not just any kind of active though. Active with a purpose. I want to be a rebel with a cause. Because not having a cause doesnt make much sense to me. So im rebeling against rebels without causes too. But continuing... So the first thing to be active about is nuclear disarmament. Because blowing each other up is not a good thing.(warning: link rated R for language) Peace is good. So even though the cold war is over, we should still work to get rid of OUR WMDs. try setting a good example? How about the idea that other nations only try to get nuclear weapons to defend themselves from the threat WE pose. And going right along with that, I want to activly oppose war. While I have been taught the Just War theory in school, I still dont see how entering into war could ever be justified. Jesus' whole deal was to not resist evil because that is exactly how evil wins. when we resist, its kinda like when we react to someone who is annoying you. If you act annoyed, they annoy more. the annoyness grows. i think it works the same with evil. I realize that in our world not resisting evil means we die. just as it led to Jesus' death. But it also leads to resurrection and heaven. so pacifism rocks! so yes, I would like to fight for working for justice. Next on the list is abortion. I'm not sure how liberals can claim that being pro-choice is a liberal thing when right now its the law. being pro-life is an expression of liberalism because the law needs to be CHANGED. as in, NOT conserved. so im not sure how pro-life is a conservative thing either, but thats ok...i can agree with the right on one thing at least. this is basically the reason for my independentness as far as political parties go. no political party can contain my views. the main point of conflict being life. a rather important point. cuz im both against abortion and the death penalty. reason im against abortion: thou shall not kill. pretty clear to me. reason im against the death penalty: kinda the same idea as with war. and with abortion. no human is allowed to take the life of another human under any circumstances. again, pretty clear to me. Everything else that I want to be active about is a variation of problems with equality. I want to protest sweatshops, racism, sexism, sexual orientation discrimination, and religious discrimination. Also, I would like to work towards the end of homelessness, hunger, and poverty. especially for children and the elderly. Also I want to work for justice in education and health care. like maybe our gov could spend 86 billion on teaching our kids and healing our sick. why in the world do we not have federal health care? Oh, and I forgot to say something before that isn't exactly about equality. animal rights of course. I mean its sort of about equality, as i've discussed before: eating chickens but not cats. and no, byrne (a fellow classmate), the solution is not to start eating cats too. Just a little side note: I despise the Atkins diet. It looks to me (jokingly) like a government plot to spur on the meat and dairy industries in their capitalist goals. I've only known one person that has taken up the Atkins diet, so it doesn't seem to be that popular to me, but its everywhere. Stores are supplying the supposed demand for low carb foods, and i guess its spurring on the craze. People! carbs are good! balance is the answer, not cholesterol filled meat and dairy!!! so yes, I hope to become vegan someday. when i said balance before (just for clarification) I meant a balance between carbs and protein, not carbs and meat. there's a difference. especially for me. ok, end of "little side note." and along the same lines as animal rights is activism for the environment. I want to hug trees. as stewards of the earth, we dont have permission to ravage it but rather tend it. so thats a lot to be active about. at this point, theres some little things that I can do. like being vegetarian. I would also like to ride a bike or bus instead of a car. outside of animal and environmental rights, I can vote. soon. and you can bet i will. and i can also volunteer for orgs that work to accomplish the things ive discussed. and i can also peacefully protest. so there you go. those are the things i would like to be active about. If you think of something that you think I probably overlooked, please comment.


  1. Hi Tom,

    Interesting blogs, thanks for sharing your feelings (and that i read them ), good to know of your desire to "change" the world and your interests in Veg lifestyle, and also your desire to closeness to God. i see you are a special soul. Given the present day surroundings and the atmosphere we grow up, it is strange that you even spend time thinking about these.

    I have lived a veg lifestyle all my life, i may not be too many years older than you (given that you would be voting soon) and found it to have a definite impact on my thinking. It seems so co-incident, i was reading an article in a magazine that famous personalities were veg. George Bernard Shaw, HG wells, MK Gandhi, etc.

    when i was having a similar, "urge" to change the world, i was presented with a wonderful concept. Traditionally, we have been rebelious to bring about change, but there is another way. We dont have to wait for the world to change, rather, "World Transformation thru Self Transformation", not that you need to change something wrong from your side , but there would be many little things in our lives, when we start doing things, people look at us and get inspired to change. This sure has its benefits, though to start with it may appear more pale (read less rebelious) it teaches us the virtue of patience and inspires people by example.

    When the thought of oneness, and being in one family gets to all i think discrimination will have no place on this earth. That time is to come soon ! But for that we will need to be the agents of change, check myself am i favoring one over the other, do i have negative thoughts against anyone, these are subtle things each one of us can do, WMD is a much larger subject and taking care of the small things as having good wishes and harmonious relationships among ourselves will be the seed to a better community, a Heaven on Earth, a Golden Age.

    Each thought, is like a Seed, it grows to become a tree, each tree has many fruits on it, each fruit inturn has many seeds in it, sow a positive seed and reap a harvest of positive results. Give some, take many !

    Thank You !

  2. the main point of conflict being life. a rather important point. cuz im both against abortion and the death penalty.Interestingly, this isn't a totally unusual position to hold.

    A guy I work with belongs to the Church of the Bretheren (a domination that is one of the historic "peace I'm a half-assed Quaker, so we have a lot to talk about. He is about as liberal a guy as you'll ever meet, and is very pro-life. When I engaged him on that subject (I'm pro-choice, and most folks I know who are pro-life are pretty conservative, so it was interesting to chat with someone with progressive politics who held those views), he talked about the "seamless garment of life" philosophy, which is pretty much identical to the views you describe. Upon doing a little research, it's pretty common (and as far as I can tell- I'm not Catholic- fits well with the Catechism).

    I'm not sure I agree with all of it myself (despite being a longtime pacifist I question a couple of points of the "seamless garment" doctrine), but I do admire the consistency of its proponents.

  3. Ack... part of my comment was eaten. My bad (preview, Christopher! Preview!). Trying again...

    A guy I work with belongs to the Church of the Brethren (a denomination that is one of the historic "peace churches," along with the Mennonites and the Quakers)

    And so on. Sorry 'bout that.
