Friday, September 10

Good Habits

A good portion of the posts that I have in this blog deal with self-improvements, basically. I have developed a hobby of attempting to break bad habits and searching for good habits to practice instead.

I've stopped the bad habit of unhealthy eating (mostly) in favor of a vegetarian diet (albeit this is only one of many reasons for that change). I am currently working on breaking the habits of television-induced mindlessness and staying up way past my bedtime. I've recognized habits in my relating to others that need improvement. I've been continually working on good habits in my prayer life. There have been a good number of things besides these that I've also worked on. I won't name them here (because I'm too lazy-another habit to change), but it has been a good start.

But there is a whole lot more that I would like to change and a bunch of new things I would like to experience. There is a slew of thoughts running through my head, and I'm going to try to get them all down, so bear with me and the expected disorganized mess to follow.

I want to eventually ride my bike everywhere I go instead of driving a car. At least in normal weather conditions.

I want to foster a ravenous appetite for reading. There are so many great books that I want to read that I haven't. I just need to start. If I wait until I have enough time, it'll never happen. I really like looking through bookstores. I'd also like to learn to speedread.

I want to learn to cook really good vegetarian meals. I'd also like to eventually grow and keep a garden.

I want to learn and regularly practice tai chi and yoga and other meditative activities.

I want to blog on a more regular basis, including important goings-on from my daily life. I'd like to keep a better track on things and events that have an effect on me.

I want to continue to simplify my life. Eventually, I hope this leads to letting go of using/owning a personal computer (probably not practical if I grow up to have any sort of "real" job. A friend of mine would like to just work in his garden all day in place of any normal job. Sounds good to me. Update on career discernment: I am now considering three different paths with a somewhat equal amount of emphasis or attention. I've already named all three at some point in this blog, so it's more of a summary than an update. They are theology teacher, priest, and Catholic Worker (Karen House).) I want to cleanse myself of all unneeded possessions and then cleanse myself of all unneeded desires. When I purchase things, I would like to patronize small businesses as much as possible.

I want to learn to play the guitar. Of course, this requires reading music. Which I find very hard to do. Many things that are worthwhile learning are hard and require a whole lot of practice (reading, writing, typing, speedreading). So I'll have to just accept and tackle this hurdle.

I would like to explore and utilize holistic medicine (especially for this cough I have now). I'd like to be able to continue in my inablity to swallow pills. As much as possible, I want to limit fixing things with chemicals. Whenever I do have to remedy some illness, I want to look to nature first.

As I simplify, and when I build my home/dorm/room, I would like to extend my use of natural materials and use feng shui.

As you can tell, I have a deep appreciation for nature and natural beauty. I have trouble with artificial attempts at aesthetic quality. I don't like the whole concept of make-up. I could get onto a soapbox for this point, but basically, I think people spend too much time focusing on their appearance. I acknowledge that people need to maintain their bodies and should spend some time working to present themselves well. But in my opinion, people spend an excessive amount of time, energy, and money doing so. I also have a distaste for formal etiquette and manners. Again, I acknowledge that purposeful rudeness is to be avoided, but I don't think people should have to apologize because they had to burp or fart. I guess something I've been working on is trying to not be offended by things. I think the only occasion to be offended is when dealing with a sin. What does it matter if something bothers your ears or nose? It is what offends the soul that should cause a reaction.

There may be more that I want to say, but I have to go to bed. Basically, I've realized that I've developed a good habit of developing good habits. These good habits are directing me to have a good, healthy lifestyle. I believe if I'm moving in the right direction with regard to the way in which I live, I will more easily move in the right direction with regard to my soul (ie toward God). And ultimately, that is what I will be working on throughout my life.

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