Friday, November 5


Last wednesday night at youth group, we received the challenge to cut the strings that hold us back from our full potential, from fully surrendering to God. We went through our days and reflected on what was holding us back from what we wanted to do. Then we ranked the items in order of importance, with one item of highest rank that we would definitely commit to cutting out of our lives. Since the word procrastination appeared on my list at several points throughout the day, I figured that would be a good thing to work on. I mentioned my problem with procrastination when I was ranting about school earlier, but it has been a bigger problem this year. I had a case of early onset senioritis. So since wednesday, I've been focusing on not procrastinating, and I've been pretty good. With getting my homework done earlier (or getting it done at all), I actually had time to blog last night (a school night). I already reflected on a cause of my procrastination, that cause being using it as a release from my perfectionism. But basically, it is a matter of self-discipline. Although, I have noticed that, while it is nice not having to rush to get my homework done before I go to the class it is due in, the days are generally more boring without the adrenaline of rushing. There's a trade off. I just need to find more ways to be more productive and less bored. I did well today, turning in my application to SLU, finally, and looking into other scholarships (but still, I wasn't under any pressure, so it was not very interesting; I wish I was taking psychology right now).

Nevertheless, not procrastinating is good. Maybe I'll start practicing prohodiation (pro hodie "for today" (a word I just made up), instead of pro cras, "for tomorrow"), and start my homework on a friday. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so this is random, but I also unwound the etymology of procrastination in search of an antonym and came of with prohodiation. So of course the next thing I do is to google it and this page was the first result. Congrats!
