Friday, December 23

Meme of Four

Alas, I am being cajoled into conformity, and I must fill out this form to appease my oppressors (just kidding).

Four jobs you've had in your life: washing the dishes (chore), taking out the trash (chore), construction laborer for a summer, federal work study with the Manresa (Catholic Studies) Program at Saint Louis University.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Star Wars original trilogy (that counts as one), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Patch Adams.

Four places you've lived (as opposed to merely visited, as in two questions hence): womb, St. Louis (on Russell street), St. Louis (a couple blocks away on Oregon street), St. Louis (on campus at Saint Louis University)

Four TV shows you love to watch: I'd be lying if I didn't say that there have been too many tv shows to count that I loved to watch growing up. (such as Boy meets World, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Full House) But now, I can't really claim one, as I have stopped watching that screen. If I had access to cable, I would love to watch The Daily Show, however.

Four places you've been on vacation: Tybee Island (GA), New England, Copan (Honduras), San Francisco (CA)

Four websites you visit daily: gmail, facebook, and various blogs (which will count for two) including the bone, Things I still don't know, and Ran Prieur.

Four of your favorite foods: fresh oranges, peas (all varieties), beans (all varieties), rice

Four places you'd rather be: Northwestern US, Europe (as a vagabond), Yoro Honduras, here now

I don't have four people to pass the baton to (who would want me linking their blogs here, anyway), so let's just say that if you're reading this and you have a blog that you are personally obligated to carry on this meme.


  1. This is no fair! I memed you first!! :) LOVE the answers. Bravo!!

  2. Only happy thoughts this time!

    I absolutely loved "Eternal Sunshine..." , arguably (a word that can be used to justify any position I might take) Jim Carrey's best flick yet.

    Monty Python is a standard for any male, period. "We will say Nih! a-gain to yooooooooooou... if you do not appease us!" should be copyrighted... I'd be broke.

    Another favorite of mine (recent) that I'd suggest, if you liked Eternal Sunshine, is The Butterfly Effect.
