Friday, August 1

I first heard of the Emotional Freedom Techniques from Dan (whose site is under construction right now), started reading the free manual, and stashed the idea way down on my to-do list when the description became too complicated to follow. Then, Aaron brought it up again, and with more urging. So, I finally took another look, and watching videos of people doing it makes it look as simple as it really is.

Basically, you tap on various "energy meridians" (via Traditional Chinese Medicine) while calling to mind some specific ailment. The most important part, it seems to me, is the setup statement at the beginning, where you state (whether you believe it or not) that even though you have whatever ailment you have, you love and completely accept yourself (while tapping the "karate chop" side of your hand).

I've used it successfully so far just to get rid of a headache. I've been getting rid of headaches through non-resistance to them for a while (I usually wallow in the pain for a while before I remember the trick), but this technique seems to speed up the process quite a bit.

There's all sorts of things I want to try it on, though. A lot of these things run a lot deeper than a headache- social anxiety, fear of conflict and disapproval, lethargy, depression, the tightness of my muscles and ligaments, and my inability to gain weight.

There's definitely a lot of hype in the videos, which excites me with the potential here for this to become real folk medicine magic, so I'll report back if I am able to use it to heal more deeply.

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