Monday, September 5

College life

College life is good. I'm so socially exhausted that it is hard to find the energy to write anything. So don't expect this to be deep at all. I've been cheating on this blog with a personal journal as well, so that's even more taxing on this quasi-introvert. So let's just give a quick overview of what is happening in the life of tom. My dorm is awesome. I love the arrangement. The chi is flowing pretty freely. My roommate, Matt, is wonderful. He's from Massachusetts (blue state). He is a buddhist (in the american sense). He drinks tea throughout the day. He's a very peaceful and happy person, and I am blessed to have found such a roommate the first semester of my freshman year. My floor is good. Micah House will be really good. It's nice to have knowledge of some commonly shared values with everyone who lives on your floor: social justice, peace, community. It's very easy to make friends in this environment. My classes are good. The teachers seem to be good, and the material to be covered seems to be at least somewhat palatable in some cases and extremely so in others. I'm taking Math thinking in the Real World (at least it's not a regular math class), Intro to Sociology, Painting I (oils), Intro to Philosophy: Self and Reality, and Theological Foundations. I need to create some sort of structure for myself to stay on top of all of the work I will have. Eating has never been so easy and difficult at the same time. There is so much food to eat, but it's all so far away, there's so much else to do besides eating, and it costs so much. I'd like to get a smaller meal plan and cook more. I've got a pot, a kitchenette, and the will. And I love being so close to Sara. I have no cell phone anymore and no car. It is wonderful. And now before the school year reaches full speed, I'm still able to do some reading for fun. I'm enjoying my ability and freedom to entertain thoughts without necessarily adhering to them immediately. Maybe when I'm more rested I'll elaborate on that point.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you're enjoying life. And "freedom to entertain thoughts without adhering to them"??? BRAVO Tom!!! BRAVO!!! I can't think of a more intelligent approach to questions, college or life! Hope you're having fun.
