Tuesday, September 6


There was a poster sale today on campus. And while my room is already well decorated, I got two more. First I'll tell you what I already had:

  • a large map positioned "upside" down
  • a large picture of Gandhi sitting on the floor, studying some papers, next to his spinning wheel
  • a colorful peace sign (a gift from my brother, Mike)
  • a poster of a peace crane
  • a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • a picture of Albert Einstein
  • a framed poem by Pedro Arrupe, SJ about falling in love
  • an equal-area projection map currently hanging sideways (with west down), thanks to my friend Nathan
  • a caricature of myself
  • and finally, a poster with a quote of Gandhi: be the change you wish to see in the world
So on top of all that, I got two new ones. One is of Alber Einstein, again, but it is bigger and is of him sticking out his tongue. It also has a quote of his strongly denouncing nationalism. My second purchase was a satirical piece describing different religions' views of life through variations on the popular phrase, "shit happens."

You can see these and a few other pictures on my (finally) updated photoblog.


  1. Awesome posters Tom! Can you tell me the significance of the 'spinning wheel'?

  2. That was not a quiz I really want to know. :)

  3. the spinning wheel- maybe i just called it the wrong thing- is the manual machine used to spin thread for making cloth. Gandhi encouraged the people to separate themselves from the british government by being independent in any way they could, often illegally, by making their own clothing, or salt. He is a wonderful example of nonviolent direct action and personal anarchistic self-reliance. maybe someday, i'll learn to make my own clothes, too! (it would be easier if i wore as little as he did. maybe i should!)

  4. You TOTALLY should...then you can be in charge of 'spinning' in our commune... we should develop a commune first huh?

  5. So that's a 'no go' on the commune then? lol.

    I loved your explanation of the spinning wheel. Thank you for that. I have now been educated. :)

  6. No we should definitely start a commune. I just figured that went without saying. I'll be spinning some thread, tending my urban garden, repairing bicycles, and doing some writing on the side for our 'zine. When do we start? Maybe I should learn to do all those things first...
