Sunday, March 13

Having a life, world religions, freedom from entertainment

I made the observation friday that I was a very diligent student as a freshman, also observing a gradual decline since then. That is, it is perfectly fine for me to receive a B now. And I've realized that this "decline" is a result of now having a life. There are other things that are equally or more important than school that I want to divide my attention towards. That's what I do when I'm "procrastinating." So it is important to note for myself that when it comes to freshman year of college, I won't magically be diligent again unless my priorities change. Some of my priorities do need adjusting. I would like to be able to get a good full 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night. Unfortunately, that requires going to bed earlier, as waking up any later is not an option. A good portion of that procrastinating is still just wasted time. Like television. And 90% of the internet. So I do want to gain back some of my diligence, as a side effect of cutting out the crap. I do really enjoy having something of a life now, though. (but wasting hours in front of a television or computer is not living)

On a completely different subject, after studying Gandhi's life in theology class, I am very interested in learning more about Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. I am considering studying world religions in particular in college. My prayer life needs some shaking up.

Reverting back to my first topic, I find myself wasting those hours in from of a television or computer screen because it is entertaining. I laugh. To entertain is "to hold the attention of with something amusing or diverting" ( Diverting. Your attention is litterally "held among" some diversion. Imprisoned, if you will. I am enslaved by entertainment. It's a choice I make, so I want it to stop. Laughter is much more meaningful with friends, anyway. And now I'll have more time for them. Isn't this something Buddha taught about, anyway?

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