Monday, December 27

Brother Ass

I think I've been in a reactionary stage with regards to rejecting any consideration for the vanity of one's appearance. Referring to St. Francis of Assisi (who was something of a primitivist, himself, by the way), I could dub it Brother Ass Syndrome. Realizing this, I think moderation is more appropriate. Not that I still don't think any attempts at vanity are necessary, but if my appearance draws attention just as much as those who seek that attention with their appearance, then I am making a mistake. I fully support taking the best care of one's body, as it is part of God's very good creation; it's just the frivolous things that annoy me. But I will try reach a balance between the truth (appearance not mattering) and its consequences (unwanted attention because of appearance).

That said, I'll just share Dove's research in its campaign for real beauty, showing how much society has warped the perception of what beauty is for women. Bravo to Dove for encouraging body acceptance, even if it is still just a marketing tool.

1 comment:

  1. This is so nice to hear...especially from a man. I don't wear make-up. This shocks some of my women friends. Long ago I decided that:
    1) Corporations set the "standards" for profit motive, and I don't have to play if I don't want to
    2) Make-up is not good for the skin. Healthy eating is good for the skin...and youthful appearance.
    3) Make-up cost money, which can be spent in many better ways.
    4) I don't want to grow old and not be able to look at my "real" face in the mirror before it is "made" (ugghh)
    Thanks for this post
